There was a time that people went out of their way to buy Australian made. We believe that time should still be now.
We believe that, as long as the quality is as good (or, as we like to think, in our case better) than what you can buy from overseas then by buying local you’re keeping jobs in the country and saving a whole lot of fuel, carbon and money being burned shipping things across the world.
Vertilux's state-of-the-art factory lives in Melbourne, Victoria, right near the airport. Vertilux employ over 100 people, pay taxes and help make sure everyone from the local sandwich bar to the local steel manufacturer has a future.
We believe that, as long as the quality is as good (or, as we like to think, in our case better) than what you can buy from overseas then by buying local you’re keeping jobs in the country and saving a whole lot of fuel, carbon and money being burned shipping things across the world.
Vertilux's state-of-the-art factory lives in Melbourne, Victoria, right near the airport. Vertilux employ over 100 people, pay taxes and help make sure everyone from the local sandwich bar to the local steel manufacturer has a future.